Topics discussed in sections, conferences and workshop (21st September 2018)


Department of Civil and Commercial Law(scientific conference)

Package Travel, Linked Travel Agreements and Regulation of Related Commercial Activities

Department of International Law and European Law (section)

The Principle of the Rule of Law in International and European Environmental Law

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (scientific conference)

The protection of Life and Health under the Criminal Law

Department of Legal History (scientific conference)

State and Law in the Times of Upheaval

Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law (workshop)

The Principle of Legality in the Doctrine of Material Rechtsstaat

Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law (scientific conference)

The European Pillar of Social Rights

Department of Administrative, Environmental and Financial Law (scientific conference)

Legitimate expectations, transparency of public administration and abuse of rights in application practice in the State ruled by law

Department of Roman and Canon Law (scientific conference)
The Legal Aspects of the System of Roman Empire and Catholic Church

Institute for Legal Aspect of Religious Freedom(section)

State-Church relations and religious minorities

Institute of Intellectual Property Law and Information Technologies(section)

Science, Art and the Internet

Oбщество и право / Society and Law (section in Russian language)