Reforms of Private Law in Legal History

The Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law, Trnava University in Trnava,
and the Legal History Section of the Slovak Historical Association
kindly invite you to the international scientific conference
Reforms of Private Law in Legal History.
The conference will be part of the Trnava Days of Law Congress
and will take place on 30 September 2022.
The broad topic creates a space for many legal historians to research various issues,
problems, and challenges of private law and its branches.
Hence, the researchers can dedicate themselves to national and international issues
challenging for individuals and societies, and the findings will surely enrich
both the legal history and effective positive law.
The organisers will be happy to welcome legal historians and Romanists
from Slovakia and abroad, and pose no limits to their creativity
but the scope of private law and the potential of historical law
to contribute to the understanding of the late, current, and future
changes of legal systems.
The conference is an outcome of the VEGA Project No. 1/0018/19 entitled
The Renaissance of the Forgotten and Re-Discovered Institutes
of the Hereditary Law in Slovakia.

C O N T A C T:

R E G I S T E R  O N L I N E:
H T T P : / / W W W . P R A V N I C K E K O N F E R E N C I E . S K /